Alternative Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference. Amen.
This prayer is heard at AA meetings around the world and is a lifesaver when things go wrong.
For most AAs, it evokes a feeling of spiritual connectedness. It turns them towards God as they have understood God and brings them closer to their Higher Power.
But some AAs don’t have a personalized God. They don’t see a loving Higher Power. Neither do they feel a force in the universe interested in them or aware of their existence.
Recently an AA brother of this type shared a version of the Serenity prayer.
It is a bit off the wall but has truth and merit.
Here it is: “If it is them, let it go. If it is me, do something about it. And no matter what, stop believing my own bulls*^t.”
This AA brother elaborated, “if it is them, let it go. Saying this reminds me of the boundaries of my influence and abilities. I cannot change others, no matter what I think.
“If it is me, I better do something about it. This sentence affirms the great wisdom of Step Two that the only thing that we can work with is our mentality and thinking. I am promised a return to sanity, not a return to prosperity or freedom from difficult people. The Step #2 promise is a change between my ears, not a change in my surroundings or circumstances.
“And no matter what, stop believing my own bulls*^t. That is just great advice at any time, in any place.
“I use this to center myself, calm myself, and seek the right direction.”
This version of the Serenity prayer, more a poem than a prayer, works for him; and I am grateful for the insight that the paraphrased prayer revealed.
And I have checked; my Higher Power approves.