Spiritual guides, not goads
Cattle are not ambitious animals. Left to themselves, they will graze for a long time on the same pasture. And moving cows is a complex business.
Cowboys know the cattle would be better off if they went over the hill to the next pasture; but they also know that standing in front of a cow, describing a vision of a better pasture, will not get it moving. Cows must be prodded from behind. Cowboys have tools for this; in olden days, cowboys used a sharp stick as a goad; they rode behind the herd, poking the cows with their goads. In modern times they goad the cattle by startling them with shouts and whistles. Cowboys goad cattle forward by frightening them with threatening sounds from behind.
Moving cattle is a team event. In addition to the cowboy prodding the cattle forward, other cowboys ride along the sides and front of the herd, guiding them in the correct path. And gates, fences and other barriers and pathways assist the cowboys in guiding the cattle forward.
Moving cattle is complicated; it requires cowboys, goads, and guides.
Moving an alcoholic, like moving a herd of cattle, is complicated; it requires cowboys, goads, and guides.
We don’t have AA cowboys, but life provides cowboy equivalents; the people nudging us forward could be family members, courts, employers, or others. And these people learn that standing in front of an alcoholic lecturing him about what sober life will offer is rarely enough to get him moving towards sobriety; a goad is necessary.
Alcoholics need goads; they often need to be startled by a possible threat from behind; some of these threats include divorce, criminal charges, or loss of employment; a circumstance or potential condition that is sufficient to startle him into action.
A herd of cattle needs guides. We alcoholics are the same. Once goaded towards sobriety, alcoholics need guides as well. The Fellowship of sober alcoholics riding out front and to the sides are our guides. And instead of fences and gates, we have Meetings, Steps and principles
Cowboys, guides and goads; cattle need them all. Goads, guides and cowboys; alcoholics need them all.